Monthly Archives: July, 2011

Poor Richard’s Rise: Linh Dinh on American Democracy

In 2021, it came to our attention that the featured writer, Linh Dinh, has expressed anti-Black, anit-Semitic, and overall harmful views since the publication...

Deep Space in Comic Book Artist John Pham’s Sublife 1 and 2

How out there can we get? diaCRITIC Jade Hidle introduces us to more Vietnamese American graphic novels, this time, John Pham's Sublife and its...

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly: Michelle Ton Reviews Three Films

In descending order, diaCRITIC Michelle Ton reviews three films shown at the 5th Biennial Vietnamese International Film Festival during April 2011 in Orange County and at UCLA....

diaCRITICS needs help from photographers and photo editors

diaCRITICS is undergoing a major redesign. The redesign itself is almost done, but the problem is that the new website will require that each...

Carina Hoang’s ‘Boat People’: Short Stories, Long Memories

In 1979, in a wooden boat crowded with almost 400 people, Carina Hoang escaped Vietnam with two of her siblings. She is now a...

Mugged then Shot: Linh Dinh on American Corruption

In 2021, it came to our attention that the featured writer, Linh Dinh, has expressed anti-Black, anit-Semitic, and overall harmful views since the publication...

What Happened in June 2011: Some News and Events

It's JUNE, Tháng 6. Contributor Julie Nguyễn offers a critical recap of June 2011 news and events in the general interest of a Vietnamese...