
How Mẹ Makes Rice ~ a poem by Jason Yore

Drain and rinse again. I’ve been told to repeat this until everything is clear or less murky.

Two poems by Angela Huynh

The house is golden / all the way through / rumbling with soft hums / of a neighbor’s mower / I sprawl over the couch / halving my body in spaces / of this poem

Self-Portrait as Static Noise ~ a poem by Tanya Sangpun Thamkruphat

I was told I was born from a big bang but I don’t remember the boom. I was told I come from the / afterglow, in all of its galactic glory, which lingers lonely somewhere in space and time like / motes dancing alone in the first morning rays.

a lesbian ars poetica ~ a poem by Louie Leyson

Beautiful language is violent. I know this / because it is with such art / that Pedro Chirino, a 17th-century Jesuit, / had once turned me from soft flesh / into solid marble, or that rough trunk

Every Time We Ended in Little Sài Gòn ~ a poem by Phương Uyên Huỳnh Võ

There are more boba and coffee shops to work at / all day like in Việt Nam - little stalls of street food little / chairs to mimic sidewalk tables. The new phở shops / all have names now, instead of numbers.